Looking back at your preliminary, what do you
feel you have learnt in the progression
from it to full product?
Looking back to when I completed the preliminary task, I can now tell that I have learnt a lot to achieve my final product. This has taken me a while to learn but I feel I have learnt it all successfully.
For my preliminary task I was asked to work in a group with a camcorder and we had to complete a short clip using match on actions and other skills, previously we spent a lesson learning how to use the camcorder properly independently after having it explained to us. During the lesson when my teacher showed us how to use a camcorder, I found it quite difficult to remember how to do everything you needed and the different types of shots however with practise I became better and it became a lot easier.
When we started filming the small clip we filmed a person coming through a door and sitting opposite another person then having a conversation.
During this clip we used match on actions, over the shoulder shots, long shots and mid close ups.
During this clip we used match on actions, over the shoulder shots, long shots and mid close ups.
We found the match on actions difficult to understand because it was difficult to make sure that it was flow properly and not jump. We managed to get it to flow okay but it was still slightly jumpy because we were quite inexperienced.
When it came to filming my full product, the filming came a lot more naturally to me because I had had a lot more practise since the preliminary task. I also found taking the camcorder off on our own to film was a lot easier because I didn't feel as nervous around my class or teacher so I felt more confident to experiment and I wasn't worried about making mistakes, this helped me improve a lot and gave me the confidence to want to improve. During filming I made a few mistakes in my shots but this is how I learnt from my mistakes and I learnt to re-film and take multiple shots each time. I learnt about settings, costume and props etc as well as how to use the camcorder. This was very interesting because to make the product look successful you have to have a correct setting and I chose costume and props to look realistic and create the right atmosphere.
I feel since the preliminary task I have come a long way because I now know how to use a camcorder successfully and I completed my product and I am happy with how it has turned out. I also feel I developed more understanding to different shots and smaller details like setting up in the correct lighting and not to have unwanted objects in the background that may distract the audience. I feel very happy with what I have achieved in the time since the preliminary task.
Team work
In the preliminary task, we worked in a group of 3 with my friends Cassie and Emily. We worked quite well together and got the work done but we did have some difficulties if people did not agree with each others ideas. However when making my final product I worked in a pair with just Emily and we worked very well together! I believe we communicated very well and didn't disagree, we listened to each others ideas and took them on board and worked to out greatest potential. We both worked just as hard as each other and put a great amount of effort in as we wanted the best result we could achieve. I am very happy with how we worked together as I think we made a great team and the work definitely benefitted.
In conclusion I am pleased with how the final product ended up and I couldn't have done it without the co-operation between my and my partner as the work we wanted to complete was done well. We stuck to our plans and the codes and conventions to ensure our film is appropriate.
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